By the end of 2025 and based on the ICOS results, we will advise the European Commission on collaborative actions to be implemented with leading semiconductor countries, supported by an in-depth risk-benefit assessment.


Following the recent international crisis, the sudden negative supply shock of semiconductors severely damaged the production of Europe’s key industrial sectors, illustrating the strategic importance of semiconductors, with a real European action plan.

In this context of chips shortage, impacting European industries and citizens, the role, concept and objectives of ICOS are more strategic than ever!

Read more about it here.


ICOS will implement cooperation actions in order to create an international network of semiconductor players.

It ultimately aims to strengthen Europe’s position in global value chains in this area, dominated by Asia and the United States.


ICOS will significantly contribute to two other major European initiatives: the Digital Agenda and the Green Deal, targeting the digitalization of many domains to reduce footprint, the electronics monitoring dealing with societal challenges (energy, health, environment, etc.), and the development of sustainable electronics (energy consumption, critical materials, etc.).